Happy Thanksgiving! I know I'm late but I had a really busy weekend. Let me explain....We celebrated Thanksgiving at my brother's house next door. My only duty that day was to bring the bread. I woke up and had nothing to worry about but the bread. Well a series of events happened that I cant get into and I ended up cooking with my brother all day. I roasted a turkey, baked a ham and made the potato salad. I really feel that I bonded with my brother that day and I thank God for every moment.

Friday was a very productive day. I organized my room and rearranged my furniture. I also hung a set of Potterybarn sconces that my friend Iliana gave me. (I love Potterybarn!)

Friday evening
I hung out with some friends in Newport Beach. We celebrated a friends birthday. Flemings has great steaks! Steaks are one of my favorite things to eat (medium rare). Seafood is the other. But enough about me.


The lovely couple J and Dre

I stayed home and rested most of the day. I spent the evening at Borders books in a corner somewhere reading photography books. I don't have any pictures of that because I took my camera but I forgot my CF card at home. Duh!
I went to church in the morning and returned for the evening service. Our pastor showed us an academy award nominated short film called MOST. (It is a remake of a movie I saw in elementary school.) I highly recommend this movie. It can be used as a witnessing tool, I bought a copy and plan to show it to my family for Christmas. I wont try and explain what the movie is about, I don't want to ruin it for you. I am horrible at explaining movie plots. =) I don't have a link but I will post a picture of the DVD cover.