A friend of mine called me this morning to wish me a "Happy single awarness day". I chuckled and thought to myself I know I'm single and I dont need a holiday to make me aware of that fact. I dont know what it is about this day that makes people crazy. (I think it's the caffeine in the chocolate) Now I dont want you to think that I am anti-love or anti-valentine's day because I'm not. I do enjoy receiving valentine cards, balloons, cookies, camera equipment, food, etc.....For example my heart went pitter patter when my mom called this morning and with laughter in her voice she yelled "Happy Valentine's day mama, I love you!" and when my friends daughter Mystique brought me this balloon that you see above. It's the little things like this that make me thank God that I have family and friends that show me LOVE all year around and not just today. Going back to being single and aware of it. It's o.k. to be single on a day like today, enjoy it! It's not like you have a choice. I myself will wait on the Lord till He thinks I'm ready to be in love.
This was my heart before and I thank God for restoring it and making it whole.
For those of you that are nursing a broken heart remember this
PSALM 34:18
Well said my friend! You are loved by many!! Ü
Ok, so the picture of the heart...well it's interesting, in a very "artsy" sort of way. Tell us more about it...
love, J
I like the picture of the heart. It looks like something out of a Tool Video. Thanks for sharing your heartfelt and honest thoughts with us.
sis- think of it this way-- We don't / didn't have to spend our hard earned cash on anyone that day OR have to hassle with having to figure out what to buy them!!! ... ahhhh, the Stress-Less-Ness of being single! I LOVE IT!
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