Monday, August 06, 2007

Romania 2007 part 2

As you all know I went to Romania a few weeks ago. This was my 4th time visiting Bucharest. Every year we visit countless abandoned kids and babies that are housed in a state run hospital. This year I took over 1700 pictures that I hope to post from time to time. As I walked around the hospital one day I noticed that this little boy was tied to his crib. I couldnt help but just pray for him. I took these pictures not to exploit him but to expose what goes on in other parts of the world. There is a need and we can do something, we can pray and if you can you can visit these kids and just spend time with them.

There isnt much I can say about this little boy, I dont know his name or his story all I know is that he is by himself in a room tied to his crib and he will probably remain there till the day he dies.


Anonymous said...

Man Frankie, what can I say. You are truly doing what James said pure religion is all about. James 1:27. May our Lord bless you as you continue to do His will.

Anonymous said...

wow. i don't even know what to say. your right, prayer is powerful- it's just so heartbreaking. thank you for posting this pix up- we need to be reminded of how much we so take for granted.

White Flower said...

Whoa! I'm at a loss for words. Please continue to post more often. Your work is blossoming.