Well I'm back from the mountain top. I was so blessed this weekend and just to let you know, I did get closer to God. =) I'll post some pictures from my retreat later this week. But for now I would like to tell you all that I am sicker than a dog. I woke up with the worst head cold, sinus infection, or allergies you could think of. I don't know what's wrong with me, all I know is that I'm sicky and I don't feel good. ;( oh and I want my mommy.
I had a tissue stuck to my face all day long

Unfortunately my hubby is out of town so I'm all alone to fend for myself. Well not exactly, I thank God for giving me friends that love me. I'll start with my friend Paulina.

She's from Ecuador and she knows that I love when she makes tostado and aji. Tostado is like a salty cornut but better. It has carnitas and onion mixed in it. I call them tosticornuts. Aji is a delicious salsa. It's guaranteed to clear my congestion. She was nice enough to come over after work to drop off her tasty treats.
This is a picture of my tosticornuts
Then there's Ruby my other angel.

She is a single mom who works full time and takes her son to football practice 5 or 6 times a week. Even with her busy schedule she is going to sacrifice her time to come over and bring me some chicken noodle soup and gatorade. I love my friends! Thank you Jesus for blessing me with these girls.
p.s. both of these pictures of you girls are a few years old. What's up with that? Photo shoot anyone?