A month and a half after our wedding, Benny was forced by his boss to attend a 2 hour training class in Oahu, Hawaii. Benny was nice enough to bring me along so I took a few days off of work and we stayed 5 days. God is good! We had so much fun, we laughed and ate most of the time.
As many of you know I love to eat. I love going to restaurants but my tummy has a soft spot for what some people would call "a hole in the wall." I don't know what it is but food just taste so much better when it is sold out of a truck. I just got an idea! I will some day blog about all my favorite hole in the wall establishments.
Check out the blue truck

They had the best garlic shrimp. I hope to some day duplicate their recipe.

This is what Benny likes to call breakfast in Hawaii. This is a "loco moco" it is a hamburger patty on white rice topped with eggs and gravy. It's an acquired taste that I have yet to acquire.

This is pastor Francis of the
Horizon Honolulu church. We met pastor Francis in December when we were there for the Jesus loves you outreach. For those of you who know him you know he loves his clapper.

We were blessed to be able to attend a bible study in pastor Francis' home and were even invited to return the next night for sweet fellowship.

Good times.